
Střední průmyslová škola strojní a elektrotechnická a Vyšší odborná škola, Liberec

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What do the students think of our school?

The following are quotations from 3rd grade students' essays:
  • I don't feel very happy to go to this school, but I can also find positive moments.

  • The teachers aren't stupid, that's the big advantage when I compare it to other schools.

  • I dislike English lessons and our classroom. I like computers and maths lessons and the poster of Dominik Hasek in our classroom.

  • I am happy that the school invested money for the new modern equipment.

  • Students edit their own magazine with a lot of information from the school and region.

  • In this school I like the equipment and hobby sports group and I dislike some teachers and classes.

  • I am glad to study at this school because it is excellent and the school leaving exam from here has a big meaning. I can't say I am always happy here, it's quite difficult to learn some subjects.

  • I think the school has had good and long tradition and I can be proud I am studying here. I dislike having lessons up to 5 p.m. but sometimes it is needful.

  • All equipment is kept in good order and regularly changed.

  • What do I like about this school? Firstly it is a chance to express my opinions. I can also participate on improving of education. Another positive thing is supporting creative students.

(27.11.2009 Petr Hujer)
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